Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Words

Context: the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation. The context in an experimental film can explain why a certain thing could happen within the film, giving the audience a small clue of what the piece is all about.

Craft: A skill that is used for what ever is being created. Intelligence and individuallism is needed to make a good experimental film. You have to be unique and break the conformist barriers.

Concept: The reasoning behind something. Almost all films has a subliminal reason behind them particulary with experimental ones. The director could reflect his or her emotional views or experiences in the film that is being produced.

First Post

Experimental Video to me means using your imagination to create a piece of film that lacks conformity. It does not have to follow a story line and can involve whatever you want as long as it holds a particular concept.

I have made several nonsence stop motion animations in the past that I would class as experimental. As a result of this project, I expect to create a experimental film that fits the contours of what experimental means and what it stands for. I also expect to review and analyse various famous, interesting and notable experimental films along the way.