Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Experimental Film Overview

Name of Film: Call me morbid, Call me pale
Creator of Film: Stuart Chapman
Length: 4 minutes or so

Visual: My experimental will revolve around a young lad living a English working class existence. It will come from a realistic point of view, with common household objects being featured. I plan to use such items as tea, streets, a cat, rain and other things considered somewhat depressing and humble.

I also want to use dull lighting to add a pessimistic aspect to the film. I am also interested in using a time lapse somewhere within the piece. I want this to be a "kitchen sink" piece.

I will make use of the natural sound that is made from making cups of tea, and cars driving down the street. A brief clip of modern music might also be used to represent music being used as a tool for all classes of society.

I want this film to be about realism and English working class culture, what a lot of normal people have to do, or face in an average day and to exaggerate it. I firmly believe that we have a unique identity in this country and I want to portray it without the drama or upbeat attitude you see on television.

What do I want people to think after viewing my film?
I want people to think about life, and the world around them. People don't need electronic goods to appreciate life, just common sense and a charming personality.

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